Discover How To Time Your Trade Entries And Exits With Laser-Like Accuracy For Greater Profits And Minimizing Risk!

Stop guessing when to enter or exit your trades! Start investing with greater CONFIDENCE and  CONVICTION starting today!

The problem with 'standard' trading indicators is they only tell part of the story (and everybody else is using them).

Our Secret WINNING Indicators give you the FULL story!

This allows you to grow your portfolio and fill your bags faster by compounding your winning trades, and cutting your losses early... Even if you're new to trading and have NO prior experience with using technical analysis. 

CryptoMastery Custom Trading Indicators

NEW Custom Trading Indicators Identify Potential Winners Early!

Reserve yours while you still can. These proprietary TradingView indicators, built by a professional crypto trader ... Are only available for a Limited Time!

"Discover The Best Cryptocurrency Investing Software, Indicators And Training Anywhere!"

Here's What You'll Get When You Act Now:

  • Proprietary Trading Indicators:  Minimize your losses and maximize your gains by identifying your next trades with near laser-like precision. Compound your winners and minimize your losses by getting in and out at just the right time ... saving you hours of time looking at charts!
  • Private Facebook Group: Stay up to speed, ask questions, get support, share ideas with the other Crypto Mastery Community and FB members so you’re never alone, “stuck”, or left wondering what to do! 
  • A Private Online Members Area: This private 'Crypto Mastery' member area features online training modules and step-by-step, click-by-click tutorials to turn you into a ‘Master of crypto investing’ in the shortest time possible by showing you how to use these amazing indicators.
  • BONUS Video Training:  Overview of our 'Top 12 Crypto Picks For 2021' Including: Price targets to exit, background on why we chose each and estimated time to exit!
  • BONUS LIVE Weekly Training Classes Online - (Previously $97/Month): FREE If you register now! You'll get 1 year access to our LIVE weekly online CryptoMastery class every Tuesday at Noon EST with Suzi 'Crypto Girl' Lewis and Crypto Joe, a 25 year professional trader and software developer.
  • NEW BONUS: Dynamic Candlesticks Indicator which overlays highly likely candlestick chart patterns over the charts and price action, showing you Bullish and Bearish setups  you can use!
How would you like to enter trades with NearLaser-Like precision, minimizing risk While winning on A Greater Percentage Of Your Crypto Trades? 

...even if you're Brand new to trading and have no Prior experience with technical analysis?

The Problem with 'standard' indicators

  • Only tell part of the story when trading
  • Typically lagging instead of leading
  • Generally difficult to learn to use effectively
  • ​Less effective because everyone using them
  • ​Can be easily overwhelmed with which to use

Our New WINNING Indicators Allow you to...

Here's What Users Are Saying

Here's Everything You Are Getting:

Our Proprietary trading indicators

Turn your trading into a Crypto Profit Predictor identifying your very next trades with laser-like precision, compounding winners by getting out at just the right time for maximum profits while minimizing your losing trades.

Access our PROVEN Step-By-Step New Predictive Trading System Indicators created by a 25-year professional trader and programmer who has been refining these indicators for years...

$5000 VALUE

The ‘CryptoMastery’ Facebook Group

Stay up to speed, ask questions, get support, share ideas with all of the other Crypto-Profit Predictor Community and ‘Crypto Mastery’ FB members so that you’re never alone, “stuck”, or left wondering what to do next!

$1200 VALUE

Crypto Mastery Online Training 

Private members area featuring 5 online modules with step-by-step, click-by-click tutorials to turn you into a ‘Master of crypto investing’

$1000 VALUE

You Also Get These 3 Bonuses:

​BONUS: Video Training: 

How to setup your free TradingView software for maximum results and to also get the most out of your CryptoMastery indicators.

BONUS - Dynamic FIB

Know where price action is most likely to stay above and below so you know where to “buy low and sell high” using a dynamic Fibonacci retracement tool!


​Dynamic Candlesticks Indicator which overlays highly likely reversal and bullish confirmation candlecharts over the charts and price action!

Stop guessing when to enter and exit... Take your very next trade with full CONFIDENCE that you're capturing the best possible moves with the CryptoMastery trading indicators!

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